Saturday, May 23, 2015

May 15, 2015..


I QUIT cigarettes and a week later, I QUIT e-cigarettes too because there is no point.. LOLOLOLOLOL

Friday, September 5, 2014

Day 6 and 7..

I have decided that I am being too hard on myself. Even at seven real cigarettes per day, that is still a reduction of 66% over what I was doing before.

My sister has managed to cut cigarettes out completely for five weeks, but that is obviously not going to happen in my case. Also, I do have reasons for continuing with cigarettes in the mornings, but I am not going to explain them here. Suffice to say that they are an integral part of my early morning routine..

So, I have started out on Day 8 with the usual mix, and so far, I am doing ok, I think..


Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Day Five..

Ooops.. a peculiarly bad day which I am going to use as a marker. I had just three short sessions with the e-cig, and the rest was all the regular ones.

Tomorrow, I am going to reverse that trend and do it the other way around. I may need luck to make it happen..

I can say in all honesty that e-cigs are NOT the same experience at all, but I am determined to shuffle away from the portable garden fire at some point in the future. It is just going to take longer than I first envisaged.


Sunday, August 31, 2014

Day three and four..

At least seven cigarettes today. Picking up an e-cig is still a long way off being natural response..

Not much else I can say except that I have to try harder..


Friday, August 29, 2014

Day Two..

Habits of a lifetime are hard to break. It isn’t the cigarette alone. There is the removal from a pack, ensuring that the right end is lit, looking for an ashtray, wondering if the whole cigarette should be smoked in one session, a variety of things.

All of the above I do using minimum thought. The E-cig requires none of the above other than a quick charge.

So today has been another mix where I probably had seven regular cigarettes and the rest of the time with E-cig. Tomorrow’s target is just five regular cigarettes while I get used to the battery usage, incorporating it better within the hours that I will use it..


Day one.. Actually yesterday


At 06:15, I decided to make the effort to try e-cigarettes with a view to kicking the regular cigarette habit. I don’t think for a second that it is going to be easy.

You see, one of the reasons that I smoke, especially first thing in the morning, is to loosen phlegm build-up over night, a problem which has plagued me since I was a baby. Cigarette smoke irritates my bronchial tubes enough that I can cough it up, and before anybody chimes in, the remedies available in pharmacies do NOT work.

Vapour from the e-cigarette doesn’t do the same, so for the first day it has been a mix of types. I have had maybe seven real cigarettes today, which is quite a lot less than usual.